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  • Superkleen Technology

All our premium oils go through multiple layers of high-quality filtration to ensure minimum contamination making them ‘SUPERKLEEN’!
On the basis of International standard set by ISO 4406, Drivol™ is meeting ISO cleanliness target (17/16/13 for diesel engine oil) which makes it a Super Clean oil that's free from any sort of contamination. It focuses on method for calculating particle counts or solid contamination levels within a fluid. The best way to control contamination in the oil is to stop the contaminants from entering the system in its first place. ISO 4406 fluid cleanliness code (The National Aerospace Standard 1638) which helps to control the contamination level of lubricating oil is set up for regular manufacturing of oils.

  • What are Super clean fluids?

    Super clean fluids are advanced technology oils. These are designed and manufactured differently as compared to normal oils. Dissolved & Semi-dissolved particles are taken out from the new oils during various stages of manufacturing. Final oil is technically qualified based on measurement as per NAS/ ISO Standard.

  • How are they manufactured?

    Lubricating oils are consisting of base oils and performance additives. Impurities from both are removed during each stage of manufacturing. As the name suggested, normal oil is converted into Super clean oils by additional processing and based on number and size of particles controlled in the finish lubricants as specified in Standard. We have to take extra precautions & processing during each stage until it is used in the machines.

  • How are they different from normal lubricants?

    Raw material wise they are very similar to normal oils i.e. mineral or synthetics engine oils. We are required to take extra precaution during manufacturing, packaging and filling in the machines. Final product is quite different and technically much more advance.

  • What are the benefits & advantages?

    If used appropriately, Super clean oils are giving longevity to hardware and lubricating oils. Performance reliability also improves and it gives much more benefits in both normal and severe operating environment.

  • How do they work & improve the life of hardware components?

    Super clean oils have much less number of particles/ impurities. Wear is reduced considerably with the presence of less number of particles and impurities. Reduced wear rates achieved during its use provides less restriction to oil flow as well as considerably longer operating period. Reduced Oil degradation rates are achieved in all types of usages. Hardware life is likely to be increased 2-3 times as engine hardware operates with less contaminated oil.

  • I am currently using a normal engine oil. Can I switch to super clean?

    Yes it is possible. You need to change filters along with Oils.

  • What are the suggestions/precautions I should take before using super clean fluids?

    Clean the engine / machine thoroughly as it will ensure no external particles enter while charging the Super clean oils. Insist on using proper cleaning material including rags, etc. Ensure oil filters of proper quality and ratings are always used. While transferring oils from cans, all funnels should be wiped properly. Avoid spilling of oils as it attracts dust and eventually carried inside the machine. Just after charging the oil in the machine, Super clean oil should not show major difference in its appearance, indicating inside has been properly flushed and maintained.

  • Why are OEM’s insisting on Super clean fluids?

    Customer is demanding reliable performance as well as longer useful life. Manufacturing has become advance and design tolerances have reduced significantly both due to regulation requirements as well as engineering design. Use of Super clean fluid provides an opportunity to retain these benefits for the entire useful life of machine. It also provides an opportunity to achieve lowest possible operating costs.

  • How can I differentiate between Normal & Super clean fluids?

    Visually it is difficult to differentiate between these two types of oils especially when oil is unused. It is possible to differentiate with a Particle size measurement instrument. However, used oils will differ quite a bit in look & feel.

  • Where are Super clean fluids used currently?

    Super clean oils are used in demanding applications such as Hydraulic oils, bearings, gear boxes, etc. Reliable performance and severe operating cycle demands functional superiority from lubricating oils. In normal oils (non Super clean oils) machine failure rates are likely to be high. It also provides lowest possible operating costs.

  • How can I achieve best performance with the use of Super clean fluids?

    We need to keep removing external contaminants continuously. It means functioning of filters becomes very critical. Another area is dust loading and water ingress. These should be monitored more closely to get the best performance in a defined operating environment. Timely changing of oil & filters may be of significant value.

  • Why majority of applications are using normal oils?

    Benefits of Super clean oils have not been seen by a normal consumer in India. Industry is aware about its benefits and is using on a regular basis. As Consumer business is oriented towards maxmising replacement of parts and service revenue, hence reduced maintenance benefits are not availed by Consumers.

  • Does oil filtering remove additives in Super clean fluids?

    In general, Super clean oils are ensuring more homogeneity in the finished oils. Oils are having large number of particles of different sizes. Super clean oils ensure these particles are of smaller size and less in numbers as complete removal is not possible/ target. Even water contamination is reduced considerably during the manufacturing stage itself.

  • Will Automatic dispensing system be of advantage with Super clean fluids?

    Yes. It will reduce chances of contamination while charging these Super clean oils in the machines.

  • Does Supplementary filtering system will offer additional advantage with Super clean fluids used currently?

    Yes. It will extend hardware life, oil change interval and reliability of performance. Normally full flow lubrication system are used and they are unable to capture particles 8 micron size. Additional filtering system are capable of capturing smaller size particles more effectively. It is expected to give significantly different results in terms of hardware life as well as oil drain period.

  • What are sources of contaminants getting in a diesel engine?

    Different sources contributing to contaminants / particles are: Engine intake Air Soot from combustion chamber/ EGR Wear particles generated inside the engines and not captured by oil filter Particles / contaminants carried by oil (escaping oil filter) and multiplying during its use Sludge formed in lubricating oils depending on operating conditions and oil quality Hard Carbon deposits formed on piston, rings, valves, combustion chamber, etc. Combustion Water formed during shutdown/ storage and mixed with oil

NAS 1638 Code ...

The NAS system was originally developed in 1964 to define contamination classes for the contamination contained within aircraft components. The application of this standard was extended to industrial hydraulic systems simply because nothing else existed at the time.

The coding system defines the maximum numbers permitted of 100mL volume at various size intervals (differential counts) rather than using cumulative counts as in ISO 4406

CONTAMINATION LEVEL CLASSES according to NAS 1638 (January 1964).

The contamination classes are defined by a number (from 00 to 12) which indicates the maximum number of particles per 100 ml, counted on a differential basis, in a given size bracket.


Size Range in Microns
Approx ISO 4406 Equiv. NAS code 5-15 15-25 25-50 50-100 Over 100
--- 00 125 22 4 1 0v
--- 0 250 44 8 2 0
10/12/7 1 500 89 16 3 1
13/11/8 2 1000 178 32 6 1
14/12/9 3 2000 356 63 11 2
15/13/10 4 4000 712 126 22 4
16/14/11 5 8000 1425 253 45 8
17/15/12 6 16000 2850 506 90 16
18/16/13 7 32000 5700 1012 190 32>
19/17/14 8 64000 11400 2025 360 64
20/18/15 9 128000 22800 4050 720 128
21/19/16 10 256000 45600 8100 1440 256
22/20/17 11 512000 91200 16200 2880 512
23/21/18 12 1024000 182400 32400 5760 1020